Friday, January 16, 2009

A Prayer for Klal Yisroel

HASHEM our G-d, remember the intercession of Moshe Rabbinu when he said of Egypt: " With evil intent did He take them out, to kill them in the mountains and to annihilate them from the face of the earth?" (Ex. 32:11-14) As Moshe Rabbinu was instructed in Deuteronomy 31:24-29 to put aside this Torah song as a witness against us; please HASHEM our G-d, remember the merit of Moshe Rabbinu as it is written in the Torah; that the whole Torah stand as a witness FOR US, that the nations cannot say of Israel, "See, HASHEM their G-d brought them out from among us to destroy them." 

May you be blessed, those of you who remember the merit of Moshe Rabbinu in the wilderness. B"H.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

Syria Is The Key

I'm not getting NAKED today.

But I'm seeing things in the press that support my call for the United States and European Union to force a peace between Israel and Syria.  There was a report today by Bilal Saab, a Syria expert at the Brookings Institute, that confirmed my intuitions.

My thoughts out loud today are this: "If the powers of the West do not force a peace between Israel and Syria, then the West really doesn't want peace between Israel and her Arab cousins."

I am starting to see on blog-sites this mantra rising.  Average people around the world are starting to realize that these Western Powers have had the "power" to force a peace, but have never used their "arsenal" to make it happen.  And, these average people around the world are starting to question this and wonder what is the real reason why there is no peace in the Middle East. They're starting to say, "Maybe the West wants conflict between the Jews and Arabs so they can insert themselves and control their destiny."  They haven't used the word "oil" yet, but I can just imagine what is on their minds about that.

So, think about it.  Pray about it, if that is your inclination.  But do something about it, even if you don't agree with me.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rick Sanchez' Facebook Wall

I'm so NAKED that I'm worn to the bone.

I'm trying to make a difference in the Middle East.  But not one person on Rick Sanchez' wall wants to help.  They want revenge, not peace. So. Here's what I've done today to work toward a real peace, which means Syria is the key to everything:

Contacted the following:
The Obama Transition Team;
Secretary of State select Hillary Clinton;
Former President Bill Clinton;
Former President Jimmy Carter;
Senator Diane Feinstein;
Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack;
The Republic of France Embassy in Washington, D.C.;
The Arab Republic of Egypt Embassy in Washington, D.C.;
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Embassy in Washington, D.C.

I am not contacting the White House, Israeli or Syrian Embassies for reasons that should be clear to even the uninitiated.  I'm tired and now I must rest.

Peace everybody.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Plan

It's time to get NAKED again.

I was mad as hell yesterday.  Not at the world, but at the people (mostly men) who run the world. Someone, please, answer me: "How is it that the USA and EU cannot force a peace in the Middle East?"  Let me answer it for you: "THEY DON'T WANT TO!"


Because they want the parties in the area to keep fighting because that gives them the ability to insert themselves into the situation and exert their control over all the parties involved.  And why is this?  To control the flow of oil.  But the balance of power is shifting, and her name is Russia.

We saw reports today that Russia is putting the squeeze on the EU through natural gas that flows through the Ukraine just as the temperatures are dropping below zero.  Hummmm.  But Russia isn't where I want to go.  I want to go to France and the EU.

Who is leading the battle for a cease fire in Gaza?  The French and Egyptians.  This is not surprising to me since the president of France had just had high-level discussions with Syria. And this is a key element to solving this Middle East conflagration that I've been talking about. Israel and Syria must first make peace.  France could not have gone to Egypt to construct a joint cease-fire agreement unless Syria had first blessed it.  And that is why Syria is the key to success.

I will repeat what I've said elsewhere on other blogs and that is this:  When Israel is surrounded by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt . . . all in peace with one another . . . then, Israel will be buffered from Iran and Russia.  The peoples of these lands are relatives.  They are squabbling over a piece of land.  They are not just related by birth; they are related by a religious belief firmly established in their father Abraham.  Forget the enmity that exists among these three "religions" for a time, at the end of the day they will soon see that they are brothers.  Therefore, Syria must first make peace with Israel and Israel with Syria before the Palestinian people can be "settled."

Trust me.  This is on the way.  Have a good day.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Have We No Compassion?

Now I REALLY want to get NAKED!

What's up with Levi Johnston?  You know, the father of Sarah Palin's illegitimate grandchild. And don't take that last sentence as a nasty comment; I'm just calling it the NAKED TRUTH because I'm the Naked Champion.

So the press wants to go after poor Levi who quit his job today as an apprentice electrician because he doesn't have a high school diploma!  Isn't that just great!  So, you have to have a diploma from high school to "learn" to become an electrician?  G-d help us.  So, what's the kid supposed to do?  How is he going to support himself, and, if he ever marries the Palin's daughter, how is he supposed to support them as well?

I have a good idea. Let the @&*% reporter and editor of the newspaper support them!  Where is your compassion, America?  Levi Johnston shouldn't have to pay the price for Sarah Palin's failures to win over the hearts and minds of all Americans.  He and Palin's daughter are like so many of America's sons and daughters: they let their emotions rule the day and get into trouble.  But unlike so many others, maybe this kid is trying to get back on his feet. But at this rate, he'll wind up on the welfare roll.

Well, that's the price everyone pays for getting their eyes caught in the spotlight of fame!

Good luck, Levi.  You're gonna need it.

Was Darwin Right After All?

Man, did I have a lot of nightmares last night!  Musta been the fois gras I had, uuumh.  Hey! You wanna get NAKED?  I've got lots to get NAKED about this morning.

I've been asking myself lately, because of the conflict going on between the Israelis and the Gazan Palestinians: "Why did we develop air supremacy if we can't use it?"  Hey Yos, what the heck you talkin' bout?  Think about it.

Why did the West spend trillions of dollars on smart weapons and air supremacy in the first place?  The answer: "To limit our military casualties, #@&*!"  And guess what?  It worked.  But guess what now?  You got it! The West has taken such a high moral ground that the trillions of dollars they spent on these tactical weapons were wasted.  Let me think out loud now for awhile:

Let's see.  What is war?  Duh, it's destroying your enemy, right?  What does that mean?  Duh, people are going to get killed.  Uh, does that mean innocent people as well?  Duh, yeah!  But the question we need to ask ourselves is: "Are these innocent people, really innocent?"  That's a question only a higher power knows the answer to.  But let me continue talking out loud:

If the West wants to go to war; if the West wants to lessen the number of casualties among their soldiers; if the West wants to limit the casualties of its enemies . . . then why the heck do we go to WAR?  Why did we spend trillions of dollars on weapons that we can't use anymore because our people won't stand for the deaths of so-called innocent women and children, let alone one loss of our own soldeirs!!!

Come on.  Look at whom we're fighting.  T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T-S!!!  They have no code of ethics. And, as a Jew, I can say that from a historical perspective.  The birth of Israel, in part, came out of the terrorism that the Irgun perpetrated upon the British.  In targeting tactical British points of interest, innocent civilians were killed.  Don't call me meshumid; I know what I'm saying and the NAKED TRUTH sometimes hurts.  I'm willing to look at myself in the mirror.  Are YOU? So, what does all this talking out loud mean.  It means that the West and Israel have forgotten the basics of winning a war.  And the basics of war equate to killing, yes killing, as many of the enemy as possible even if it means innocent civilian casualties are included among them. Radical Muslims don't worry about this code of behavior, and they pray to Allah every day that we remain faithful to this, our new code of behavior.  And we do, praise be unto Allah, I guess we will all be saying one day.  And, believe it or not, I believe it is good that we do.  Because that is what makes us different from the radicals of every religion, not just Islam!  But we cannot follow this new code to the point that we wind up losing the battle to radicalism.

The way to stop this radicalism is to use overwhelming force.  Yes, not some, but many innocent civilians are going to be included in the casualties.  But if we keep delaying the inevitable, millions upon millions of innocent civilians will perish because we are too weak to act now.

So, again I ask: "Why did we spend trillions of dollars for air supremacy when we are not allowed to use it effectively?"  

The answer: Because we have become the weaker of the species; therefore, we are doomed to extinction! Darwin was right after all.